I have written this text as narration, but there are some words I do not know, it is somehow emotional, so I want the text to be poetic or emotional Night is not empty, night is full of light, glittering of stars, running and dancing of planets, light of the stars that might have sent us their gift many years ago. Night is not silence, night is full of the sounds of stars, [sound name] of sweeping of the sweeper, [sound name] of crickets, sound of coughing of the little girl next door / in neighbor. Night is not silent. It is at night that I write/jot down my compositions, putting what in my mind on/to paper. Night is not empty, night is filled with sounds, sound of the sweet little girl … why sound of coughing?... I should do a new arrangement, it is time for me to change the insturments of the song…Night is not silent, …. Night sky is not empty, it is full of gifts that stars have/had sent us long years ago…

Language (The language you are writing in)