Series Two Episode Six: Welcome Back Johnny! - The title give away the first important part of the episode.  Johnny meets two of the new friends and explains his return.  Carlos has important news as well.

  1. Listening/Reading
    1. Prelistening:
      1. Review some vocabulary you’ll hear in the audio, click on the Preparation tab
    2. First time listening to the audio
      1. Why is Johnny back?  Is he here to visit or to stay?  How long?  Who does he meet?  What news does Carlos share?
      2. Listen to the episode again.  This time, use the transcript provided below.  With the transcript, you should be able to summarize the episode.
      3. Listen to the episode a third time.  Try not to use the transcript.  
    3. Comprehension
      1. Complete the quizzes by clicking on the tabs marked as task.
      2. Task three focuses on prepositions again.  I’d suggest using the OWL site from Purdue if you’re still having trouble.
  2. Speaking
    1. Prepare for a conversation with your language partner.  Write some questions about returning to a place.  Has your language partner ever lived someplace else, then returned for a visit?  Have they ever had friends or family leave and then return?  Did the relationships remain the same?  How had the place changed?  Etc.
    2. Meet with your language partner.  Try your best to only speak in English for 30 minutes.  Of course, be sure to then provide your partner with an equal amount of time to practice our native language as well.
  3. Writing
    1. Write a summary of your exchange with your partner on the Mixxer blog.  Write a blog post about someone returning home or to another place they once knew very well.