
It has passed some twenty days since I started the exercise program which was produced by dance unit TRF. So far, I used DVD No. 1 one day and No. 2 the other time. Today, as Monday is a first day of the week for me, I went ahead with No. 3, the last DVD.  


◆3枚目の曲は、「BOY MEETS GIRL」です。Wikipediaによると、1994年にリリースされたそうです。18年前の曲だなんて、信じれませんね。私は当時は、高校生で、J-popをたくさん聞いていた頃でした。清酒運時代の時の歌という感じでしょうか。

The third DVD uses the song "BOY MEETS GIRL," which was released in 1994, according to Wikipedia. I'm surprised to find that the million-seller hit song was something 18 years ago. I was a high school student at the time and listened to many other J-pop songs or songs by young Japanese singers. The song was one of favorites in my younger days.



I did the physical exercise with the No. 3 after I finished my household choses, before I went out with my two-year-old son, about twenty minutes. I took an instructional part and later a dance part today. Like the first and second DVDs, it was so difficult after various steps. I wondered whether I could complete the program or not, because of the speed.



However, in fact, I got used to the previous DVDs, No. 1 and No. 2. With one week of repeating, I could follow their dancing movements and actually enjoyed them. It's surprising that a body will remember one step after another.


◆だから、3枚目のBOY MEETS GIRLの歌も、ちょっとずつ練習してがんばって行きたいです。

So, I'd like to keep it up with BOY MEETS GIRL, with practicing every day. One step at a time.



Here is TRF's song --- BOY MEETS GIRL  (Released in 1994)
Youtube ==> TRF / BOY MEETS GIRL