The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
いくつかの特殊文字は利用可能です。その中には空白、ピリオド( . )、ハイフン( - )、引用符( ' )、アンダースコア( _ )、 @ 記号が含まれます。
An image for your personal profile
150 MB 制限。
許可されたタイプ: png gif jpg jpeg 。
許可されたタイプ: png gif jpg jpeg 。
640x480 ピクセルより大きな画像はリサイズされます。
Suggested to use a separate account specifically for language exchanges to protect your privacy.
Your WhatsApp number (ex 42342345678) Do not include a + or - symbols) Suggested to use a separate account specifically for language exchanges to protect your privacy.

Plain text old

  • ウェブページのアドレスとメールアドレスは自動的にリンクに変換されます。
  • 行と段落は自動的に折り返されます。

Plain text old

  • ウェブページのアドレスとメールアドレスは自動的にリンクに変換されます。
  • 行と段落は自動的に折り返されます。
Check this box if you would only like your profile visible to other women/girls in the search.
I am older than 18, or I am 13 years or older and have permission from a guardian. I will not hold Dickinson College or the creators responsible for user behavior, communications or content found on the site. The Mixxer is for language learners and language learners only. The site is entirely free and hosted by Dickinson College without any warranty or guarantees. Any users who treat the site as a dating site or are rude to other users will be banned. Nudity or any depiction of violence are also clearly banned. This is designed as a community learning site. Any behavior that is rude, remotely aggressive, threatening or sexual is not tolerated. Please report any such behavior via link on their profile page to report spam, abuse or inappropriate behavior. The link is located just below the user's profile picture on their profile page. Users are responsible for the content they post online. As with any social networking site, I recommend you not provide personally identifying information. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at