Hi Everyone,
We've made three major updates to Mixxer this summer. The first is the creation of an Android app to accompany the site made by two of our students at Dickinson College. (Sorry, not for iPhones) You can download and install it here. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.dickinson.newmixxer
It's a nicer layout for the phone than the website, and you'll receive notifications when you receive new messages, friend requests, and exchange requests. Like the website, it's completely free.
Speaking of exchange requests, that's also new. You'll now see on each person's profile page a link that says "Suggest days/times to meet with for a language exchange"
If you click it, you'll see a form where you can specify days and times when you'd like to meet for an exchange and include a message to the person.
Finally, for teachers we've streamlined the process for organizing "Events". Events are basically ways for instructors to post a registration sheet for a group native speakers to have a language exchange with you students at a certain day and time. If you have a computer lab with Skype and headsets, it's a great way to immerse your students in authentic language. If you're an interested teacher/instructor/professor, send me an email at bryantt@dickinson.edu and I'll help you set up the first one.
Good luck with your exchanges. Any problems or questions, you can reach me at bryantt@dickinson.edu
Todd Bryant
Language Technology Specialist and Mixxer Admin
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA USA