I think there are mainly two points are requested for to be a valuable son and daughter in Japanese society.

Firstly, s/he is expected to obey to their parents when they are young and to help when their parents become elder. This kind of thought have came from Chinese philosophy and had been accepted to Japan at old time. And people today claim that parents have to take care their children never use some violence and when the children grow up both the parents and children should be independent. However, I think, it is an ideal thought, many people understand this idea is good, while actually they cannot realize that. I look many parents use loud voices to control their children in public space. Besides, though many my friends said that they want to live independent, but after they married some of them live with their parents and complain about their situation. And I forecast they also expect that their children will live together and support them.

Secondly, s/he is hoped to produce their children and give grand son or daughter for their parents. I can understand this hope of parents, because all creatures seem like they want to descend their DNA to produce their descendants. However, today's Japanese society, people begin to understand that there are many reasons people don't or can't birth children, and to be demanded that is a kind of discrimination and harassment. I think this change is given by development of science and voices of many people who are suffered from the pressures of reproduction. I believe that it is good thing since this people's attitude releases themselves from extra pressure and leads peace and happiness of more people.

In conclusion, the requirement for son and daughter is changing from view point of  parents to it of individuals, but it still bound children, so we have to improve it to protect each persons' rights.

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