
Off work


I'm off work! But not for good... rs.  I'll be off work for the next 15 days. It'd be great to have conversations, if someone is available for chats and practice speaking skills.  



First text


Hello, I'm James and my goal is improving my English on this website. I need speaking a lot.  I have done three test and these said that I'm B1 (I doubt it). If you want helping me you should know that I can help you with the Spanish.


Some sentences with new words


) I ordered some sausages so as to we could have a nice lunch in the open air. 
2) In a couple of years we might face some major problems in our education system and we have to be prepared to tackle them.  
3) The management came up with a real ploy how to pay the outsourcing company less. (Is underpay also possible?) 
4) All my superiors are on vacation so I come to work later than usual. 
5) Human nature is like this: we first commit sins and then we repent and shed tears. That’s a circle. 
6) Working in art, one has to stretch their imagination so as to be able to easily get to any world area, epoch or style and borrow things from them/there. 
7) I recently listened to the story about two American families which found out that their younger kids, the daughters, were switched at birth. 
8) Andy drew his plan of robbing the bank and circled all key points in the drawing. 
9) Despite the sentence, the suspect pleaded not guilty. 
10) Sometimes my predictions/prophecies/prognoses come true, sometimes they don’t. 
11) To avoid unwanted pregnancy, teenagers have to use contraceptives and be aware of all possible negative consequences of unprotected sexual contacts. 
12) What sold me on was his tender and deep voice with a tinge of hoarseness. 
13) Jane sold me on her collection of The Beatles’ albums.


Job Interview


Can you tell me something about yourself?
Well my name is Daniel Antunes I'm 28 years old. I'm studing information system at UNINOVE actually I'm in the 3º semester. Talking something more personal I have a son and wife and  I live in São Paulo with them. I have worked in differents stors like civil construction, private security and my last position was like sales coordinator.

What do you know about our organization?

I searched for SkyOne and figured out that Skyone  is  a software and service company that provides cloud-based business solutions and platforms specialize in offering digital transformation solutions

What do you find most attractive about this position?

the opportunity of make part of the one team that realy develop the solutions and softweares for me It's the chance to enter at that segment an learn with it.

Please give me your definition of the position for which you are being interviewed.My activities is gonna be help in implantation configuration and homologation of  systems  users training 
In your current (last) position, what features do (did) you like the most? The least?
the capacity of mannagement and problem solving. Interaction team to achive or goals and contribuition for the personal devolopment of my team mates. So Monitoring pf the okr's the deliverings and results presentations. 


I failed the Eiken test of G1.


Eiken is an English test in Japan. I'm trying to take the G1class that is equivalent to C1 in western English test. I have failed three time until now and this is the 4th.

I know I will fail because I did not study English much. I think I did well about the test but it is not good enough. I need to study to the level of the Eiken need.

One of my weakpoint is when I read a short essay, I return to the head because I don't understand. That means I need more reading practice. About listening, I am a hard learner in learning listening but when I read the multipole choice, I need more time. The test gives you only ten second to read for four choices.

Anyway, I will take the text next time. It will be held on the first Sunday of  October. I will work hard.




sky teaches us to think beyond our limits. it is the infinite world where you can achive whatevr you wanted to. every person in their lives whishes to achive such height as the sky and it can even possible alsoi buit they don't want to do the hard word behind all this . they just  wanted to get the good result without perfoming their tasks.
