From I knew him, one professor at University played a determinant role in my life. He was not only brilliant but deeply concerned with teaching. Although with a reserved personality he never hesitated in getting closer his students to give them a smart orientating about whatever topic or even supporting them with books if they need one. His passion for knowledge only could be compared with his generosity.
He patiently heard to you and even if you were wrong he intelligently addressed your thoughts in order to you, by yourself, find the correct results. He was never enough tired to attend you, no matter the time, he was always pleased. He never stopped, constantly he was figuring out a better way to teach, to explain clearly the topic in order to students could better get it and that together could go deeper in.

He taught me that we have to keep an open mind while we are learning whatever stuff. Not paying attention to the limits than others set to you, focusing entirely on me and to remove my own barriers.

Language (The language you are writing in)