Thank you for you invitation to the Grasslands Conference and for the opportunity to defend myself and my friend Toby Nunn. We have not decided yet what we are going to do because the proposition of the land buyers is not what we have dream about. We can’t buy the number of acres that we want but we have the X-bar in the land we brought, this is a good point. So half of our objectives were achieved because our mission was to buy more grazing for our herd to enhance the number of the herd because we can’t live decently with the number we have now. In fact, their refuse to sell us 200 acres because they fear the overgrazing and we understand that point of view. They promise us that not have the acres we deserve will not be a problem for our economy because we going to have more tourists to come visit the ranch with the construction of the new habitations by the land buyers.  We agree to make another debate in 2 years to see how things go and what we can do to improve them.

Moreover, we agree that we can keep our land because eliminating ranching in Arizona would be devastating. The tourist come to see the ranches because they are the spirit of the West. 

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