There is not a big chance that China will be able to create the equivalent of American (and even Russian) military technology. Moreover, in history there were not examples of the emergence of leading military power without appropriate militarist tradition (a specific military history, including experience large-scale, victorious wars; the military spirit in the community; schools of martial arts, etc.). France, Britain, Germany, Russia and the Soviet Union, Japan, the United States had or have a similar tradition. But China doesn't have this experience.

To become a true superpower, a nation needs to possess the superiority not only in the military industry, but also soft competencies culture and values. Britain in the XIX century, the Soviet Union in the XX century had their own ideology. USA still has their ideology, which could be the subject of admiration by other countries. And what ideology can China offer the world? Nothing, because less people believes in socialism in China and there isn't another. The Chinese system is not perceived as a model for copying. In addition, China has numerous shortcomings, one of which is domestic policy.

In China, more and more of those who admire Western values. The country could not become a world leader, if they are not able to offer the world its attractive ideology.

There is no world leadership without soft power, cultural domination. The huge funds that China invests in the national university system have not yet been fully paid, and the ban on free thinking inhibits the progress of science.

Of course, the great ancient culture of China makes an impression, and is ready to pour into the masses. But the Western civilization is still insanely distant from the Chinese world.

The superpower today is not the country that produces the most phones and where most people live, but the one that offers cultural, political, economic - whatever, the main thing is that attractive models are for imitation.

To conclude, proceeding from the above arguments, it can be argued that China's GDP growth is increasing every year, however, according to other indicators, China has harmed will overtake the US or European countries. The peculiar Chinese culture and politics are unlikely to become a world superpower in the near future. 

But the most important problem is that the country has two completely different parts: external (China is a prosperous and rapidly developing economy) and domestic (China is a country with a huge number of unresolved problems, the number of which is growing every day). The country's leadership has no time to think about how to rule the world: it needs to solve urgent, pressing problems that can destabilize the situation in the country, which it is difficult to keep.

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