We work about an Invasive species which is called Acatina fullica or Giant African snail. Acatina fullica is a big snail, in fact adults of the specie smay exceed 20cm in shell length. His natural habitat is located in africa, where there is a tropical climate with warm, year round temperature and high humidity. It was introduced in many countries by trade route for farming as a new commercial source of protein, for example in Brasil. Moreover it is found in Europe like novelty pet and for ornemental purpose. The snail has become etablished in some Caribbean islands and it is routinely confiscated by quarantine autorities at United States airports. It is a serious environmental and economic problem due to competition for food and space with native fauna and the destruction of agricultural crop. The species is also considered a public health problem due to the potential of host nematods causing human diseases. The solution is to destruct snail and their eggs. For example with chemical products like Metaldehyde which is a toxic agent for slug and snails by ingestion by the foot of the mollusk. We need to regulate them to avoid a disaster.

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