The first challenge I will face will be the language, because Latin America has influence of North America and the American accent is so different. I know at the beginning it will be challenging to understand, interact and socialize with people. I'm sure that once I be well-immersed, the permanent contact with the language will make me to listen and to speak better progressively.


The next problem I will face will be the adaptation. I know at first I will feel like an outsider because of the new culture, new food, new norms, the fact to drive on the left side, etc. However, I think the problem will eventually smaller once I was adjust to my new environment.


Finally, some technical topics in the university that I'm not familiarized could make me lose the thread of the classes at first, but it’s better to learn new topics and challenging myself to do my best to get the best grades.


Thanks in advance!!

Language (The language you are writing in)