In my opinion, grades encouraged to study only who is already motivated and capable to learn and who is available to commit to a school career. In these cases, marks represent a valuable feedback. They spur the competition among peers. More importantly, marks incentive students to challenge themselves in order to achieve higher levels of knowledge, perfect their abilities, and finally excel in a discipline.

However, some young people do not understand the importance of school for their personal growth and future fulfillment at all. Many deem that the subjects taught at school are boring, useless, and completely disconnected from reality. In these cases, arising their curiosity and interest in a subject is crucial for improving their results at school more than dispensing negative grades. Above all, these types of students have to find a direction in life, a goal for which they would fight, sacrifice and work. Then, they need to comprehend that learning is the first step of any project for achieving any personal objective.

Teachers, families, and the whole society should support these young people to find their own path and discover their own talents. For example, schools should implement modern methods of teaching, which are more appealing to the young generations. Young people should be constantly exposed to many different stimuli in order to elicit their curiosity and expand their knowledge.

Some students suffer from disabilities or ADHD, which prevent them to learn effectively with the standard teaching methods and be performant like the average ones. These students need specific medical treatments and personalized learning paths. Especially, they need to feel accepted in the school community. Both their fellow classmates and the teaching board should not resent, ostracize, and isolate these students for their diversity.

In conclusion, the marking system remains a useful tool at school, which must be complemented with other initiatives and methods though. Ultimately, students and young people should be more listened to. School system, instead, need more funds and effective plans to improve the quality of teaching and implement special projects. Moreover, teachers have to be constantly and better trained. At the same time, they should keep alive the enthusiasm and the passion for their profession. Teaching is a key activity, which greatly impacts society, shaping the minds of future citizens.

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