This one is about replying the following made up email:

Subject: Going away to university


You know my 18-year-old daughter, Jane, wants to go to university? Well, she told me she’’d applied to a university in another city. I’’m worried about her living alone in a different city and I told her I didn’’t want her to go. Do you think I’’ve done the right thing? What would you have done? Do you think it’’s a good idea for her to study away from home?


Here's my answer 

Hi Alex, 

What have you been up to? It has been a while, right?

I'm so happy that you turn to me for advice on this question. Since I am around her age I believe I can provide you the other side of the coin. 

When I first went into university I didn't know exactly what to expect. I knew I was going to study matters related to my major, this is not always true, also, I knew I was going to make friends, but what else? What else was I going to learn? After two years I figured it out, and the answer is a little bit about everything. 

When you go to college you are exposed to such a variety of people and worldview that it's almost impossible not to pick up a little from each of them. Plus, differently from school, she will have to learn how to do things by herself which may be hard at first, but in the end, will help her to develop not only academically but personally as well. 

I know you are afraid of the idea of not having her close but the time has come, besides, being away from you will allow her to get by on her own and to become the independent woman I believe she is going to be. 

With that in mind, I think you should talk to her, if this is exactly what she wants, support her. Otherwise, the idea that you might have held her up from going to the college she wanted will come back in the future to haunt you, which causes nothing but harm in any relationship. 

Language (The language you are writing in)