Wherever there is a morality, we find a valuation and a hierarchy of human impulses and acts. Such valuations and hierarchies are always an expression of needs of a community, of a gregarious mass, which is useful for it in the first place, as well as what is for it in the second and third place also constitutes the supreme criterion for valuing each individual. By morality, they get dragged to be a function of the herd and don’t get attributed more value than that. As conservation conditions of a community were very different from each other, there were distinct moralities; and regarding the essential transformations that gregarious masses and communities will suffer, states and societies, it can be prophesied the advent of very divergent moralities. Morality is not more than gregarious instinct within the individual. 

P.S. This is a translation from Die fröhliche Wissenschaft by Friedrich Nietzsche. I used the Spanish version by Luis Díaz Marín

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