These two bar graphs show the weight assessment of inhabitants of Charlestown in 1955 and 2015. 

    First, we can see that there were more people with an ideal weigh in 1955 (whatever their age) than in 2015. We can see that there weren’t obese people in 1955 for people between 20 and 39 years old. Therefore, there is an increase of the overweight and obese people from 1955 and 2015. However, there were more people in underweight in 1955.

    Then for the two periods, people between 20 and 29 years old have generally an ideal weight. But, there are a lot of differences between 1955 and 2015 for the other ages. The most of people between 30 and 39 years old have an ideal weight in the two dates even if there is a little decrease of 5% till 2015. The most of people in 40-year-old have an ideal weigh in 1955. But in 2015, there is a dramatically decrease of the number of people with an ideal weigh and a rise of the number of overweight or obese people. For instance, there were 65% of people with an ideal weight in 1955 and not more than 45% in 2015. It’s the same trend for people between 50 and 59, then 60 and 69 years old, but it’s more radically. 

    To conclude the weight assessment of inhabitant of Charlestown increase in the time : the number of underweight people goes down, while the number of underweight and the obese people rise. Even if in 1955 the weight of people was pretty similar between the different ages, in 2015, the older people are, the more overweight they are. In, fact, the obesity is therefore a real issue in our century.

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