Dear Pablo,

How about your party? I hope that it was great and you spent a terrific night together. I apologise to you for my absence and I'd like to explain to you why I couldn't assist.

I have to say to you that I was prepared for your party and I hadn't forgotten it. You aren't going to believe what happened! I had dressed up for our meeting and I was going to brush my hair when the piping which it's under my sink broke down. My bathroom and my meeting room were flooded and I phoned to firefighters. When they were able to repair the problem, it was so late, so I decided to stay at home and rest. I'm sorry!

To my mind, I should make up this last night with us. This week, I have rent a new flat for this year. What about celebrate an opening party next Friday? I'd invite all our friends. If I were you I didn't doubt about it.

Well, I hope you think on my suggestion and we can see you soon. Do drop me a line if you have time.



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