When jenny woke up she didn't know were she was. At first she couldn't see anything because it was dark and cold. Suddendly  a bright light passed through a small window so she understood that the sunrise had come. Jenny jumped out of  bed and saw that she was sleeping in a big and fancy room, she tried to remember why she was there but it was impossible. Jenny couldn't remember anything about the night before even she couldn't remember anything about her life, she just knew her name.                    She felt a strange cold covering her body and realized that she was naked, she ran toward the bed and took a sheet and covered her slim body. Inmediatly she got nervous, and tears covered her beautiful face, she screamed as much as she could but nobody answer her. Jenny started to feel weakness and fell down on the floor, then the room door opened and a man shape appeared. Jenny put on her feet and cried....who are you?, why i'm here? what do you want from me?. The man just stayed quiet, watching her carefully. Don't be afraid- said the man. Jenny's body was shivering and when she wanted to give a step she couldn't move, she was in shock. The man walked toward her and Jenny could see his handsome face, He had pale skin and bright blue eyes, black hair and was wearing black clothes. the beautiful man stared at Jenny  with desire. He walked around her and touched on her shoulders softly and she didn't shiver anymore. Jenny was hypnotized by the man, she wanted to stayed with him for ever, she fell in love crazily. -  Jenny you are mine-, he said like a whisper at Jenny's ear and your old life don't matter, your are the perfect girl i had looked for,The man smiled and Jenny saw little fangs shining through his lips but she didn't said anything. Don't worry dear I own you and you'll get everything you want, after that He went out the room but before He left said....-by the way- My name is Dracula....





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