There are some verbal tenses (Is that it?) that are very weird to use for us Brazilian speacher in daily life. Like in the sentences ahead:

  I have read so many books I can’t keep count. Present Perfect. 

had read at least 100 books by the time I was twelve. Past Perfect. [I can get the both, but in the spoken speech people would say I've read... and I'd read... so quickly than become very hard to catch the meaning. What's your tips for us to detecte this sounds?

will have read at least 500 books by the end of the year. Future Perfect. [What future? It's hipothetical]

have been reading since I was four years old. present Perfect Continuous.

had been reading for at least a year before my sister learned to read. Past Perfect Continuous

will have been reading for at least two hours before dinner tonight. Future Perfect Continuous

[These three i really don't understand.]


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