Informed Consent

Informed consent is a process through which the healthcare professional informs the patient about the treatment he or she will receive, as well as the risks, benefits and alternatives. This information and understanding process finishes in the signing of the written informed consent form, a document in which the patient authorises the performance of the medical service. This signature must be made consciously and voluntarily by the patient, who can accept it or reject it. The objective is that the patient can make decisions regarding his or her health according to his or her own free will. In addition, it is verified that the patient has received and understood the information provided by the professional responsible for his or her treatment. The current state regulation of information and consent is included in in Law 41/2002, of November 14th, the basic regulator of patient autonomy and of rights and obligations in matters of clinical information and documentation. As its name indicates, it shows respect for fundamental rights such as autonomy and self-determination, where the patient, after receiving adequate information, will make his or her own free.

According to the current legislation (Law 41/2002) any action in the field of a patient's health requires the free and voluntary consent of the affected, in addition, in the case of the example provided, as it is a dental extraction, which can be considered as an invasive procedure since it involves certain risks, must be collected in writing. According to my personal experience, since I have recently had to undergo two endodontic procedures, I have previously been given information about what the technique consists of, as well as its possible consequences and complications. In addition to this, on the day I had them performed, I was previously given the informed consent document, collecting  all the fundamental information that had already been given to me beforehand so that it was recorded that I had been adequately informed on the basis of my needs and therefore authorised to finally carry out the procedure. The patient's consent has to be given before the intended action, once the appropriate information has been provided. Whenever possible, information should be provided sufficiently in advance to allow the patient to reflect and ask for any clarification he or she considers necessary for a decision to be taken.

From my point of view, despite the fact that I do not consider it necessary to present the signature of a document before any health procedure that may involve the slightest risk, I believe that in this case it would be necessary to have it and, if there are still professionals in Spain who do not request it, it should become a common practice, since this procedure results in multiple complications, however, on the other hand, we must not forget that information and consent are verbal processes, and written forms must be used exceptionally.

On the other hand, I believe that dentists, as professionals in the health field, must be obliged not only to the correct provision of their techniques, but also to the fulfilment of the duties of information and clinical documentation, and to respect for the decisions freely and voluntarily taken by the patient. The healthcare professional must inform the patient and respect the decision made by the patient in accordance with his/her values and his/her life project, as a clear expression of his/her autonomy, the written document of informed consent is a tool that facilitates the process of communication and a necessary complement to verbal information that allows to attend several needs.

The document presented here does not meet the minimum requirements required by our regulations, the information regarding the explanation of the procedure is minimal, although we must not forget that the information to include should not be exhaustive but sufficient for the patient to make a representation of the significance of the act on which he/she will consent, however, lacks a brief description of the procedure as well as the steps to be taken. On the other hand, it mentions the need to apply local anaesthesia, however, it does not deepen into this aspect and neither does it provide information about the inconveniences and complications that may arise from the use of it.

Finally, it has drawn my attention the fact that the document does not include the health professional's data, it only refers to the patient's identification data. Besides, it mentions that, "although the document is neither read nor understood, it has been verbally explained". As regards to this, one of the minimum requirements that our Autonomy Law demands is that the information provided must be adequate, adapted to the needs and understandable, which will help the patient to make decisions in accordance with his own free will.

हीरोइन बनने गयी थी चुद के आ गयी

नमस्कार दोस्तों, आप सभी का बहुत-बहुत स्वागत करतीं हूँ| मेरा नाम आयुषी है और मैं दिल्ली की रहने वाली हूँ और आज मैं आपको मेरी एक सच्ची कहानी से अवगत कराने वाली हूँ जिसे आप सभी को जानना चाहिए| चलिये शुरुआत से शुरू करते है|

मै एक मॉडल बनना चाहती थी और मेरा मोडलिंग में शौक बचपन से ही रहा है| मुझे बचपन से ही अंग प्रदर्शन करने वाले कपड़े पहनने में काफी ज्यादा रूचि रही है|

मैं जब भी कही से निकलती हूँ लोग मुझे उपर से नीचे तक देखा करते है| कुछ लोग और यहाँ तक की छोटे बच्चे भी मेरा पीछा करते हुए मेरे घर तक चले आते है| मेरी उम्र अभी 21 साल है और मेने एक्टिंग के क्षेत्र में अपनी पढ़ाई को पूरा कर लिया है|

काफी समय से मुझे समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि आखिर एक्टिंग के लिए कैसे अप्लाई करूँ? और किससे बात करूँ, तभी मेरा ध्यान मेरे एक दोस्त अजय की तरफ गया, जो की मीडिया के क्षेत्र में कार्यरत था, और उसकी फिल्म निर्देशक और नायकों से अच्छी खासी पहचान थी|

कुछ ही दिन बाद मेने अजय से फेसबुक पर बातें करना शुरू कर दिया और फिर हम दोनों एक दूसरे के साथ काफी ज्यादा मिलने जुलने लग गए| मैं उसे फंसा कर कैसे भी कर के उसे अपना ब्वॉयफ़्रेंड बनना चाहती थी, जिससे की मैं उसका इस्तेमाल अपने करियर के लिए कर सकूँ और इसके लिए मैं हर तरह की कीमत चुकाने के लिए भी तैयार थी|

एक दिन मेने अजय को एक पार्टी में जाने के लिए बुलाया, अजय ठीक 10 बजे पार्टी में पहुँच गया| मैं अजय का पार्टी में पहले से ही इंतजार कर रही थी, और अजय को अपने वश में करने के लिए कुछ भड़काऊ अंग प्रदर्शन करने वाले कपड़े भी पहन कर आई थी|

रात को करीब 12:30 बजे तक अजय और मेने बहुत मजे किये और साथ में डांस किया और इसी दौरान मेने अजय को शराब के नशे में धुत्त कर दिया था| अब मेने अजय को घर पर चलने के लिए कहा और हम घर के लिए अजय की कार में निकल गए|

अजय काफी नशे में था, और मेरे जिस्म को देख कर काफी तड़प रहा था| जैसे ही कार एक सुनसान इलाके से गुज़री मेने ड्राइवर को कार रोकने के लिए कहा और ड्राइवर के हाथ में 2 हजार रूपये थमाते हुए उसे कुछ देर कार के बाहर इंतजार करने के लिए कह दिया|

जैसे ही ड्राइवर कार के बाहर गया, मेने अजय को चूमना शुरू कर दिया और उसकी शर्ट को खोल कर नीचे पटक दिया| अजय ने भी मुझे चुमते हुए मेरे बूब्स के अंदर हाथ डाल दिया और उसे जोर से मसलने लगा|

कुछ ही देर बाद मेने अजय के लंड को बाहर निकाल और उसे चुसना शुरू कर दिया, अजय आह्ह्ह आयुषी तुम मेरी जान हो, ओह्ह्ह अम्म्म आह करते हुए काफी ज्यादा उत्तेजित हो गया था|

पूरी कहानी पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें


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Violence in Media and Its Impact on the Society

Media violence is one of the biggest problems in our society nowadays. Violence comes from any age starting from children and ending with adults. In fact, it has been increasing due to people’s misunderstanding about how important human life is, and subsequently, they do not take it seriously. The violence in media takes place when people lose their common sense and do not take any responsibility for their actions. There are some cases when media violence can cause society violence. Undoubtedly, such incidents are caused by games, movies, and, as a consequence, the influence people have on each other in many essay This issue has also affected women. According to researches, every six hours one woman in South Africa and two women in Guatemala are exposed to violence and murdered. In San Paulo, Brazil, females are assaulted every 15 seconds. In the U.S.A. women are raped within a range of 5-6 minutes. 50% of European women go either through sexual harassment or through physical contact at their working places. In North Africa, around 6000 women are genitally mutilated. More than 15000 women in China are transported to sexual slavery each year. Such grim statistics witnesses the cruel fact that women-related violence is a root of global discrimination. It can be said that this is the issue of human rights. The legalization of women’s bodies for individual and political satisfaction is a horrible and disgusting thing. Just imagine that every year the society devastates and destructs millions of women all over the world, and this happens in spite of the fact of our existing so-called “civilization”. Thus, today’s social media can positively affect the existing situation with women in no way; it can only contribute to what occurs every day. Such kind of violence is not justified by any religious, cultural or political claim. Naturally, it is allowed to happen thanks to the growing global culture of impunity. Each time when women are abused, terrorized in custody, raped by soldiers as some “spoils of war”, battered at home, what is exposed is surely unequal powers between sexes. Such a state of things reduces women’s choices and worsens their situation. Governments worldwide have legal, economic and social duties to protect their females and chastise any sort of abuse or harm done regarding them. They have this responsibility in order to protect women’s rights. Violence concerning females can express itself in a number of different ways. The presence of pornographic images and videos depicts women as just cheap objects for personal satisfaction. This phenomenon is rather widespread. Moreover, it is a commercialized form of business, whose existence is only because of media support. It should be considered that namely electronic media hosts most of these nasty and demeaning pictures. The fact that media places women as an object case the expected regress of women’s rights. Domestic violence is a global pandemic. Woman’s greatest danger often comes from someone she loves and knows very well. Resentment at homes is nothing but contravention of women’s physical rights. When basic simple steps are not taken to curb this abuse, such crimes are allowed to dominate. Social media has to carefully watch the majority of international organizations that are trying to stop spreading violence against women. Such campaigns as “UNITE” have to be given all the needs and coverage to raise the awareness of the really noble goals. Social media should look after all progressive nations of the world, in order to eliminate the aggression against women. Intergovernmental cooperation also has to do its best to stop transporting women for sexual slavery. Solely through such cooperative efforts, we will be able to win this war.

Looking for Conversation assistant


I'm looking for people to talk to my students. My classes are at 8:00 am and 14:30 (UK Time) from Monday to Thursday.

My students are all Spaniards.

Let's learn English and Spanish with Voice Recordings?


I’ve created my first audio file using: and


Hello my name is Elaine I lived in Costa Rica for four years.  I've been back in America for five years but I have lost the Spanish language.  I am looking for people who to exchange voice recordings with (no, I don't know).  I'm a teacher (of Technology but you know still a teacher.), so I can organize our study and monitor our progress.   Let's start with the weather? Thank you


Hola, mi nombre es Elaine. Viví en Costa Rica durante cuatro años. He vuelto a Estados Unidos durante cinco años, pero he perdido el idioma español. Estoy buscando personas con quienes intercambiar grabaciones de voz. Soy un profesor (de Tecnología, pero todavía lo sabes), así que puedo organizar nuestro estudio y monitorear nuestro progreso. Comencemos con el clima? Gracias





-Soy Rin. Soy americana. Tengo 30 años. Hablo un poco de español. Estudio para uno año.

Mixxer Updates

Hi Everyone,

We've made three major updates to Mixxer this summer.  The first is the creation of an Android app to accompany the site made by two of our students at Dickinson College.  (Sorry, not for iPhones)  You can download and install it here.

Google Play

It's a nicer layout for the phone than the website, and you'll receive notifications when you receive new messages, friend requests, and exchange requests.  Like the website, it's completely free.

Mixxer App Video

Speaking of exchange requests, that's also new.  You'll now see on each person's profile page a link that says "Suggest days/times to meet with for a language exchange"

If you click it, you'll see a form where you can specify days and times when you'd like to meet for an exchange and include a message to the person.

exchange request screen shot


Finally, for teachers we've streamlined the process for organizing "Events".  Events are basically ways for instructors to post a registration sheet for a group native speakers to have a language exchange with you students at a certain day and time.  If you have a computer lab with Skype and headsets, it's a great way to immerse your students in authentic language.  If you're an interested teacher/instructor/professor, send me an email at and I'll help you set up the first one. 


Good luck with your exchanges.  Any problems or questions, you can reach me at



Todd Bryant

Language Technology Specialist and Mixxer Admin

Dickinson College

Carlisle, PA USA

Five principles and SEVEN actions to learn any language. For Chris Lonsdale

These are the pieces of advice given for the lecturer of TEDx Talks Chris Lonsdale for those people are learning a second language.



1. Focus on language content that is relevant to you.

2. Use your language as a tool to communicate from day 1.

3. When you understand the message you will acquire the language unconsciously, i.e comprehensible input (Krashen, et al)

4. Language is not about accumulating a lot of knowledge but is rather a type of physiological training.

5. Psycho-physiological state matters – you need to be happy, relaxed, and most importantly, you need to be tolerant of ambiguity. Don’t try to understand every detail as it will drive you crazy.


1. Listen a lot – it doesn’t matter if you understand or not. Listen to rhythms and patterns.

2. Focus on getting the meaning first, before the words. Body language and facial expressions can help.

3. Start mixing, get creative, and use what you’re learning

4. Focus on the core – the most commonly-used words, and use the language to learn more (What is this/that? How do you say ? etc.)

5. Get a language parent – someone who is fluent in the language and who will do their best to understand what you mean; who will not correct your mistakes; who will feedback their understanding of what you’re saying using correct language, and uses words that you know.

6. Copy the face – watch native speakers and observe who their face, and particular their mouth, moves when they’re speaking

7. “Direct connect” to the target language – find ways to connect words directly with images and other internal representations.


-I have a trip this month and I need to learn French fluently, I hope I find help!!!

Si alguien me puede ayudar que me hable please.