Deutsch üben-Spanisch üben!

Hallo Leute, 

Ich muss Deutsch in Wort und Schrift mit einem Mutterspracheler üben, weil ich im Juni eine Deutschprüfung habe, im Gegenzug kann ich mit Spanisch helfen.Ich bin spanischer Muttersprachler und habe jetzt flexible Arbeitszeiten, ich hoffe, ich kann Ihnen helfen.

Ich danke Ihnen !

mit herzlichen GrüBen.

Xiana !

 Ich brauche Hilfe

Hallo Freunde,
ich brauche Hilfe, kann jemand mein Schreiben korrigieren?
Ich muss den German TestِDaf noch 2 Monate machen.
 Ich brauche jemanden, der mir beim Schreiben und Sprechen hilft.
Danke, wenn mir jemand etwas Zeit geben kann.


Bueno, me llamo Lorena, soy española y estudiante de 4º de la ESO.

Japanese Sushi

-There are many types of Sushi. 

When I go back to Japan, I always eat it. I am not sure the English name of sushi.

For example ENGAWA, How to express it...mmm It is difficult to describe for me English.

La serata di Mauro

Di solito il signor Mauro è sempre puntuale. Arriva fra i primi in ufficio e si mette subito a lavorare, ma oggi il signor Mauro si è svegliato tardi, ed è arrivato in ritardo al lavoro.

Paolo (un suo collega) : Salve Mauro, come mai sei in ritardo?

Mauro : Ho fatto tardi ieri sera, e stamattina non ho sentito la sveglia.

Paolo : Ma dove sei andato?

Mauro : Ieri sera, dopo il lavoro ho incontrato degli amici che ho conosciuto durante le ultime vacanze, e allora siamo andati a mangiare qualcosa insieme. Abbiamo scelto la cucina cinese, sai, in quel ristorante di via Cavour.

Paolo : E dopo il ristorante, cosa avete fatto di bello?

Mauro : Dopo, Carla ha proposto di andare in discoteca e così abbiamo ballato fino a tardi e ci siamo divertiti un mondo.

Paolo : Beati voi! Io invece sono rimasto tutta la sera a casa. Ma ora basta con le chiacchiere, mettiamoci al lavoro.

Mauro : Hai ragione, lavoriamo.



A - Rispondere con "vero" o "falso" :

Domande Riposte
Il signor Mauro è un uomo che arriva sempre in orario al lavoro. Vero
Il signor Mauro non si è svegliato presto. Vero
Dopo il lavoro il signor Mauro è tornato a casa. Falso
Il signor Mauro ha pranzato con alcuni amici. Falso
Il signor Mauro ha passato una bella serata. Vero

B - Rispondere alle domande :

Domande Riposte
Dove lavora il signor Mauro? Il signor Mauro lavora in un ufficio.
Perché è arrivato tardi? È arrivato tardi perché si è svigliato tardi.
Con chi ha cenato? Ha cenato con qualche amici.
Dov'è andato dopo cena? È andato a una discoteca.
Il signor Mauro si è divertito? Si, si è divertito.

Attività orale

Racconta la tua giornata di ieri :

1- A che ora ti sei svegliato?

Riposta : Mi sono svegliato alle quattre di mattina.

2- Che cosa hai fatto la mattina?

Riposta : Stamattina, rimasto a casa.

3- Dove hai pranzato e con chi?

Riposta : Ho pranzato solo a casa.

4- Dove sei andato nel pomeriggio?

Riposta : Nel pomeriggio sono andato al supermercato.

5- Dove hai cenato?

Riposta : Ho cenato a casa.

6- Che cosa hai fatto la sera?

Riposta : La sera, ho cenato, mi sono lavato i denti, ho guardato la TV con la mia madre, ho andato alla moschea per pregare, ho fatto i compiti, ho guardato alcuni video sul Youtube e finalmente sono andato a letto.

7- A che ora sei andato a letto?

Riposta : Sono andato a letto alle dieci meno un quarto.

Some translations to English (Part 2).

Gli orologi di Gigi

Gigi, laggiù al mercato

tre orologi ha comprato.

Uno è senza lancetta,

uno va troppo in fretta,

uno, appena acquistato,

si è subito fermato.

E Gigi, poverino,

quando spunta il mattino

e il galletto lì per lì

canta il suo chicchirichì,

guarda attento tutti e tre,

ma non sa che ora è.


Gigi's watches

Gigi, there at the market

bought three watches.

One of them is without hands,

one (the other one) moves too fast,

one (and the other one), that is just bought,

immediately stops.

And for poor Gigi,

when morning comes

and the cockerel is here and there,

singing his crows,

he watches all three carefully,

but doesn't know what time it is.


La settimana del fannullone

Il lunedì promette,

il martedì si mette,

mercoledì s'arresta,

il giovedì fa festa,

il venerdì non può

il sabato non vuole,

la domenica è vacanza,

e sempre fa così.


The week of a slacker

On Monday, he makes a promise,

On Tuesday, he starts off,

On Wednesday, he stops,

On Thursday, it's a day off,

On Friday, he can't (do anything)

On Saturday, he doesn't want (to do anything),

On Sunday, it's a holiday,

and, it's always like so.


Ritornello dei mesi

Trenta dì ha novembre

Con april, giugno e settembre,

Di ventotto ce n'è uno,

Tutti gli altri ne han trentuno.


Rhythm of months

November, 30th,

With April, June and September,

From 28th, there is no one,

All the others have thirty one.



Indovina indovinello :

Io possiedo un bel castello

E di lance vado armato

Ma non sono già un soldato.

Non sono vivo e in petto il core

Batte sempre a tutte l'ore ;

Non ho lingua eppur favello :

Indovina indovinello.


Guessing game

Find out the mystry :

I own (have) a beautiful castle

And I'm gonna be armed with spears

But I'm not already a soldier.

I'm not alive although I have a heart in my chest.

(That) always beats every single hour ;

I don't have a language but a fairytale :

Find out the mystry.


Proverbio :

Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera.


Proverb :

Red sky at night, good weather hopefully.

Let’s exchange Arabic to English

-hi folks what’s up , if you’d like to improve or learn Arabic I would be more than happy to help you out with Arabic , in return could you help with English 

we can talk here , I do have skype and WhatsApp 



Alcoholism is one of the most subtle forms of drug addiction since most regions have lax laws defining how one can engage in drinking. However, addiction of any kind is highly dependent on the intervention mechanism applied. There are two common intervention mechanisms dictating the approach to addiction: the medical model of addiction and the harm reduction approach. Of the two approaches to addiction, the harm reduction model is the most effective as indicated in Nicholas Sheff’s Case. super essay The disease model of addiction explains that the addiction such as alcoholism is not a habit but a disease with underlying biological, genetic, and environmental causes. According to the traditional perspective on what constitutes a disease, the presence of an abnormal condition creates distress or dysfunction of the body functions of the people who are affected by the condition. Alcoholism fits the definition of a medical condition since it affects the mesolimbic pathway in the brain, which results in the dysfunction of normal body operations. The medical model also investigates the possibility of other biological and psychological factors that may affect how individuals interact with alcohol and other substances. Sociological factors as causes of addiction are also incorporated in the disease model of addiction since the individual could be exposed to triggering factors for substance abuse. The disease model communicates the idea that there are biomolecular mechanisms that manifest in all forms of addiction. It advocates the development of the interventions that address biomolecular mechanisms of the addiction. However, the above model has been criticized for its stigmatization of addicts. Since the model defines any alcoholism as a disease, alcoholics develop excuses for their habits while reducing their input in the recovery process. Alcoholics can be stigmatized when this model is used in the explanation because it emphasizes the genetic and lifelong aspect of addiction. A certain family could be associated with the addiction, affecting how the rest of the society interacts with the family or the individual. If the disease model of addiction had been applied in the case of Nicholas Sheff, the intervention could have been based on the symptoms whereby the treatment could have focused on their alleviation and the successful inclusion of Nic in the society. Instead of addressing the underlying causes of the condition, the intervention could have weaned him off the drugs while providing him with the medicines that would have reduced the chances of relapse. The risk factors could have been identified. Consequently, in each instance of relapse, he would have been treated as another patient who had been suffering from a common ailment in more than one instance. On the other hand, the harm reduction model entails policies and practices that reduce the effects of using psychoactive drugs in people who are unwilling or incapable of stopping. Consequently, the focus of the model is on the prevention of detrimental effects as opposed to the prevention of the drug use. Additionally, it focuses on people who are continuing with interventions. The harm reduction approach can be used alongside any other intervention. The foundation of the intervention is that many people all over the world are incapable of stopping the consumption of alcohol despite numerous attempts or they simply do not have the willpower to continue the treatment. Another important consideration in the harm reduction model is that some alcoholics seek treatment but they are barred from access owing to high costs, as well as the lack of facilities that provide care. Additionally, the significant number of people who use alcohol may not require drug treatment. Consequently, the harm reduction method provides them with options that may reduce the impact of their continued drug use on themselves and other people. Consequently, the focus is on the sustenance of the environment of safety and health. The harm reduction method was developed mainly due to the increased contraction of HIV from intravenous drug users. The mantra of the harm reduction method is the effective reduction in deaths of addicts that arise from preventable causes. Individuals also tend to prefer informal and non-medical interventions as far as the drug reduction is concerned. The harm reduction approach is based on evidence and cost effectiveness. The harm reduction model is feasible because it is based on the research and relevant findings. It enables individuals seeking help to find the best intervention even if they do not have the finances to handle the normal cost of drug rehabilitation. Moreover, this approach emphasizes the incremental gain. Instead of coercing alcoholics into changing their drug habits, it acknowledges simple gains made in the reduction endeavor and, consequently, creates the desired cumulative impact. Incremental interventions focus on individual needs and they are configured to the situation of the individual. The small gains aspect makes the harm reduction model more effective compared to the medical model of addiction. The harm reduction model emphasizes sustaining dignity and compassion, universality, creating challenging policies, and sustaining transparency. The sustenance of dignity and compassion is important since the harm reduction model accepts each individual without imposing any judgment on people. The universality principle seeks to apply the same human rights to all people. It also seeks to challenge policies that may increase harm among the people. Finally, counselors working within the framework of the harm reduction model have to ensure transparency when defining the objectives of the intervention program. The main difference between the medical model of addiction and the harm reduction model is the sustained drug use in the latter case. The medical model is assessed based on the alcohol abuse cessation. The harm reduction model is also more focused on the reduction of the impact on the user and the community. The medical model of addiction is set on a finite timeline whereby the patient has to recover in the given time. The harm reduction method is a continued process with the ultimate result being the invalidation of the impact of drugs and alcohol on the individual. Regardless of the method of treatment adopted, the six stages of change are applied. Pre-contemplation calls for the understanding of the impacts of addiction. The second stage is the contemplation stage whereby people are aware of the effects of their addictive behavior. The third stage is the preparation stage that calls for the identification of the course of action that they have to take in order for them to change their habits effectively. Action stage covers the eventual implementation of the plan. The maintenance stage includes the attempts made towards the sustenance of the action plan. The final stage focuses on the conclusion of the intervention after the goals have been attained or after the intervention has been deemed ineffective. The two models of addiction help in the understanding of the road to recovery undertaken by Nic. For instance, the medical model was applied in the different commitment that the family had placed him. Numerous attempts to make him clean and sober through the admission to different rehabs were futile. The addiction was serious and he was unwilling to try the rehab way. The rehabs had provided him with the option of reducing his drug intake per day as opposed to pumping him with medicines intended to clean him. The above interventions had been largely ineffective mainly due to the inability of the rehabs to configure their treatment paths to suit the needs of the patient. It is also indicative of ineffectiveness in the medical sector when it comes to the treatment of addicts. Instead of considering the needs of the patient, the rehabs focused on cleaning him. since this is one of the measures of how effective the medical facility is. Therefore, due to the focus on cleaning him, they were incapable of meeting the harm reduction approach. Eventually, he would end up on the streets. The family members were more concerned about Nic’s safety since even if he was still taking the crystal meth at home, he would be assured of better health and increased safety as opposed to when he was on the street. The family failed to accept him as an addict and did not effectively apply the harm reduction approach. The inability to accommodate Nic also increased the harm caused to the family since the father recounts how he would keep walking in the park and the city with the hope of seeing his son. Additionally, the lack of understanding that the medical model of addiction could be applied also affected the interaction. Instead of treating the addiction as a condition traced to biological factors, the family took his affliction as a choice. Therefore, they did not offer him the system needed. The harm reduction method could have led to a quicker and more cost-effective treatment intervention compared to the medical interventions that the family had previously sought. Acceptance of the possibility of an alternative intervention could have reduced the harm that he faced while on the street. In conclusion, the harm reduction model seems to be more effective for the recovery from any addiction because the medical model of addiction does not accommodate addicts who may be fluctuating between the commitment to recovery and relapse. On the contrary, the medical model seeks to create interventions that will eradicate the addiction while there are other factors that may affect how the patient recovers. The above conclusion is manifested in Nicholas Sheff’s case.

Mein Weg zu den Kanji / My Journey to the Kanji

Die Kanji sind schon so eine Sache. Man will sie lernen, hapert aber schon am Anfang mit ihnen. Als ich bin Japanisch angefangen hatte, wusste ich erst nicht womit ich überhaupt anfangen sollte. Also tat ich das, was eigentlich jeder im Internetzeitalter tut, ich habe nach "Japanisch lernen" gegoogelt.

Die erste Webseite, die ein da ins Auge springt ist Auf dieser Seite fand ich viele hilfreiche Tipps wie und wo ich mit dem Lernen anfangen könnte. Ein ganz wichtiges Buch bzw. eine Buchreihe möchte ich hier unbedingt erwähnen. Es handelt sich um "Die Kana lernen und behalten" und "Die Kanji lernen und behalten", die beide von J. W. Heisig und K. Gresbrand stammen. Ohne diese Bücher hätte es mich unmengen an Zeit gekostet die japanische Silbenschrift und Zeichen zu lernen. Der Trick ist dabei nämlich sich kleine Geschichten auszudenken und wie Eselsbrücken zu verwenden. Ok eigentlich ist es etwas komplizierter vor allem bei den Kanji, aber es ist wesentlich angenehmer die Zeichen so zu lernen und es dauert auch nicht so lange als wenn man alles stur auswendig lernt.

In den Sommerferien nach meinem Abitur lernte ich dann erstmal die Hiragana und Katakana. Ok eigentlich brauchte ich nur zwei Wochen, in Deutschland gehen die Sommerferien nur sechs Wochen, und reine Lernzeit waren sechs Stunden. Das zeigte mir das diese Methode für mich funktionieren sollte, aber dann kamen die Kanji an der Reihe. Die Kanji, oh mein Gott bitte nicht die Kanji. Ich musste feststellen, dass ich die Kana wohl nur zu 50% mit der Methode, wie im Buch, gelernt hatte. Der Rest schien ungewohltes Auswendig lernen.

Jetzt wäre es bestimmt angebracht zu sagen, wieso mir die Kanji soviel Sorgen bereitet haben. Mein Problem ist: Ich schiebe gerne auf. Bei den Kana war das noch okay. Das sind ja nur so ca. 46 plus minus die ganzen "Sonderlaute" durch die Notationsstriche, aber die Kanji sind über 2000. Mein Problem war nun, dass ich dachte 2000 Zeichen lernen, das schaffe ich niemals.

Nach ca. 40 "gelernten" Kanji brach ich ab. Es war eine einzige Qual. Dann passierten erstmal andere Dinge in meinem Leben. Ich ging zur Uni, fing einen Japanischkurs Stufe A1.1 an und hatte auch so schon genug zutun mit der Arbeit. In den Weihnachtsferien versuchte ich erneut die Kanji zu lernen. Doch meine Ambitionen waren immer noch zu hoch gesetzt und so scheiterte ich erneut. Ich sagte immer wieder zu mir: "Heute musst du X Kanji lernen, ansonsten wirst du nie alle 2000 können!".

Wieder die falsche Herangehensweise. Ich traf wärend der Unizeit auf jemanden mit der mir den Guide von Tae Kim zum Lernen von Japanisch empfohl. Dadurch habe ich übrigens auch "The Mixxer" gefunden. Dann begannen die Semesterferien und ich hatte Zeit über das Vergangene zu refektieren. Mir viel einerseits das mit dem Aufschieben auf, andererseits dass ich mir meine Ziele immer viel zu hoch setzte. Jetzt bin ich zu folgenden Übereinkunft mit mir selbst gekommen: Jeden Tag 20 Minuten lernen, hauptsache man macht wenigstens Etwas als gar nichts zu machen.


Ich hoffe das hat sich jetzt nicht alles zu selbstbeweihräuchernt angehört. Ich wollte einfach nur mal schreiben was mir grad so auf der Seele brennt. Ich hoffe dieser Beitrag wird auch jemandem helfen, der vlt Probleme mit Japanisch und dem japanischen Schreibsystem hat.

P.S.: Diese Bücher gibt es auch in anderen Sprachen.

P.P.S.: I will translate this blog post into english for those people who what to learn japanese but can't speak german.

P.P.P.S.: Nah, Don't have time for this sh*t. Just use the genki workbook and book, Tae Kim's guide to learn japanese, Remembering the Kanji/Kana and the anki app.

The kanji are a tricky thing. One tries to learn them but even in the beginning problems arise. When I first started to learn japanese I didn't know where to start. So I did what everyone does in the internet age I googled "How to learn japanese".

The first website that I found was On this side I found many helpful tipps how and where to start to learn the Language. A book or rather a book series worth mentening here would be "Remembering the Kanji" and "Remembering the Kana" by J. W. Heisig. Without these books I would have had to spend a tromendous amount of time with the japanese syllabary and sign system. The stunt these books make is to shorten your time by remembering the signs and syllables through little stories and mnemonics. Okay I must admit it is a little bit more complicated than that espacially with the kanji but in general this method shortens your study time significantly compared to stubborn memorizing.

After my graduation I started learning the Hiragana and Katakana (japanese syllabary). It took me two weeks with six hours of pure learning time. This is much fewer time than the four to six weeks it normally takes to learn them. I also did not forget them even so I had like half a year break after those. Why did I take a break? Because of the kanji dear God please not the kanji. I discovered that I wasn't following the methode that well with the kana. I mostly just sammarized half of them.

It would be good to talk about why I am so worried about the kanji.


Esercizi (parte 9)

Completare con la forma conveniente dell' aggettivo "bello" :

  1. Ho comprato un bel quadro.
  2. Ha incontrato questa bella ragazza l'estate scorsa.
  3. Hai dei bei sentimenti.
  4. Ho visitato un mostra e ho visto delle belle opere.
  5. Quando fa bel tempo andiamo al mare.
  6. Santa Maria Maggiore è una bella chiesa.
  7. Il "Louvre" è un bel museo.
  8. Maria ha comprato un bel vestito.
  9. Bel amico che hai.
  10. Hai scelto un vaso molto bello.

Osservare la cartina sulle previsioni meteorologiche e rispondere alle domande :

1 - Che tempo fa al nord ?

Riposta : Al nord, il tempo è variabile.

2 - Che tempo fa al centro ?

Riposta : Al centro, il tempo è variabile, fa muvoloso e pioggia.

3 - Che tempo fa al sud ?

Riposta : Al sud, fa muvoloso.